The untitled sports drama is directed by Sampath Nandi and Tamannaah and Gopi Chand will be playing lead roles. Gopi will be seen playing the role of a coach to AP Female Kabaddi Team whereas Tamannaah will be playing the role of a coach to Telangana Female Kabaddi Team.
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Excited to share with you all about my next movie with @IamSampathNandi under @SS_Screens Production launched today.@tamannaahspeaks #Gopichand28— Gopichand (@YoursGopichand) October 3, 2019
In the past, She also expressed her willingness to work with Gopi Chand she said ” This is my third film with Sampath Nandi garu. This subject has very good content. I wanted to work with Gopichand garu for a long time. I am happy that it happened with this film which has a good story and team. Thanks to Srinivasaa garu, Pavan garu for this opportunity. It’s always comfortable working with Sampath garu. My character in the film has a lot of scope for performance. I believe this will be a very good heartfelt film.” The movie is yet to be release in summer 2020.
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