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Ever since Sonam Kapoor started showing her fashion styles, she has only added a new dimension to fashion in Bollywood. Sonam Kapoor turned heads of people towards her with unique styles that Bollywood audience have never seen. We can easily say she has brought some disruptive fashion, which sometimes even got criticism. But that was not going to stop Sonam, now Sonam is looked up as a benchmark for fashion dressing by many.
Her risk-taking attitude in fashion and dressing has made her into one of the top-ranked on the best-dressed list of all times.
Best Looks Of Bollywood Beauty Sonam Kapoor
In a floral white dress and a loosely worn jacket, Sonam looked mesmerizing in a perfectly picked color combination.
Sonam Kapoor has also shown that she can carry saree elegantly. Sonam Kapoor shows the Indian side of her fashion collections with white lacy bordered saree. Her minimal jewelry look with earrings and necklace adds to the traditional side of her appearance.
Sonam Kapoor’s classy act can be seen in this picture of her with a green dress and wearing a black choker which complemented the neckline of her dress.