Bollywood Actress Kareena Kapoor is celebrating 25 years in the Film Industry. The actress turned producer for her upcoming film 'The Buckingham Murders' in...
Kiara Advani the latest sensation of Bollywood since the release of Netflix originals last year, Lust Stories. The actress shared the screen with Vicky Kaushal in Karan Johar’s Directorial Lust Stories. Her performance in the film that got lots of appreciations from critics and all over Bollywood. In which she essayed the role of newly married couple alongside Vicky Kaushal. The climax scene was the most talked scene from the film.
As part of her Kabir Singh promotions, She opened up about the scene on Neha Dhupia’s show BFFs with Vogue. Kiara Advani said “Karan Johar showed me how to do everything, but that scene he wanted me to be uninhibited. He made sure there was a very small unit on the set. He didn’t want me to laugh. I was so nervous the night before, and I had actually googled how do people use a vibrator. I watched a couple of scenes from films like The Ugly Truth, to see what it was all about.” Kiara further shared what Karan had actually advised her before the scene. “Do it very sincerely. Let it be real. Let your eyes roll, Karan said,” she added.
On the work front, Kiara will be seen next in Kabir Singh, which is set to release on 21st June which also stars Shahid Kapoor, The film is directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Apart from this movie she has bagged four more projects. ‘Good News’ and ‘Laxmmi Bomb’ which stars Akshay Kumar. ‘Shershaah’ with Sidharth Malhotra and ‘Indu Ki Jawani’.